Posted by Jochem Maas on 10/01/05 20:12
Daevid Vincent wrote:
> Are you f'ing kidding me?!
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php
> "Some types of data can not be serialized thus stored in sessions. It
> includes resource variables or objects with circular references (i.e.
> objects which passes a reference to itself to another object). "
> L A M E !!!
> This is absurd. There shouldn't be any reason I can't send a reference to
maybe it's more absurd to try a stick DOM XML objects into the
session in the first place?
> another object -- Especially a built in type! UGH.
really why is that?
by all means write a patch that allows the serialization code
to serialize circular references. Though I imagine that it's
a little more difficult than it sounds.
then again you have __sleep() and __wakeup() magic methods which you
maybe able to use to 'shutdown' any references and 'bring them up' again.
btw I believe that the serialization code doesn't care whether objects
are 'built in' or not. it's purely a reference issue.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Daevid Vincent [mailto:daevid@daevid.com]
>>Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 3:02 PM
>>To: php-general@lists.php.net
>>Subject: [PHP] PHP5, $_SESSION, DOM XML objects not returning value
>>I'm trying to store an array of DOM XML objects
>>(http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.dom.php) in a PHP5.0.3
>>$_SESSION array,
>>but when I load the session back (and yes, I've declared my
>>class before the
>>session_start()), I get these errors:
>>Warning: XMLRule::getValue() [function.getValue]: Invalid State Error
>>in /lockdown/includes/classes/rule_xml.class.php on line 74
>>Warning: XMLRule::getValue() [function.getValue]: Invalid State Error
>>in /lockdown/includes/classes/rule_xml.class.php on line 81
>>And all the VALUES are empty, however *my* XMLRule class
>>array seems right
>>otherwise. It's like PHP didn't serialize all of it's own DOM
>>XML objects
>>(which are built in objects!!!)
>>Here are the pertinent parts of the classes and other code snippets.
>>class XMLRule
>> // for example 'is_username' XML tag would set $name =
>> protected $name = null;
>> // The reference pointer to the DOMNode, this is a wealth of
>>information in itself.
>> // look at the DOMNode class @
>> protected $DOMNode = null;
>> protected function __construct($DOMNode, $name, $id = null)
>> {
>> $this->DOMNode = $DOMNode;
>> $this->name = $name;
>> $this->id = $id;
>> } //__construct()
>> function getValue()
>> {
>> //check for multiple values, such as a list of
>>names perhaps
>>[#74] if ($this->DOMNode->childNodes->length > 1)
>> {
>> foreach ($this->DOMNode->childNodes as
>> $tmpArray[] = $tmpNode->nodeValue;
>> return $tmpArray;
>> }
>> else
>>[#81] return $this->DOMNode->nodeValue;
>> }
>>class is_username extends XMLRule
>> function __construct($DOMNode, $id = null) {
>>parent::__construct($DOMNode, 'Username', $id); }
>>class is_day extends XMLRule
>> function __construct($DOMNode, $id = null) {
>>parent::__construct($DOMNode, 'Day', $id); }
>>// IMPORTANT: You *MUST* declare the class *BEFORE* you call
>>// If you run session_start() before the definition of the class,
>>// the session variables of the objects will be corrupted.
>>// http://www.zend.com/phorum/read.php?num=3&id=36854&thread=36847
>>if (!isset($_SESSION['ruleArray']))
>> $XMLDOC = new DOMDocument();
>> $XMLDOC->loadXML($xmlstring);
>> $ruleArray = array();
>> $i = 1;
>> $or = 1;
>> foreach($XMLDOC->firstChild->childNodes as $myNode)
>> {
>> if ($myNode->nodeName == 'and_conditions')
>> {
>> foreach($myNode->childNodes as $cNode)
>> {
>> $key = (string)($cNode->nodeName);
>> //make a new instance of the node name'd
>> $ruleArray[$or][$i] = new
>>$key($cNode, $i);
>> $i++;
>> }
>> $or++; //begin new OR block
>> } //if and_conditions
>> } //foreach $myNode
>> $_SESSION['ruleArray'] = serialize($ruleArray);
>>else $ruleArray = unserialize($_SESSION['ruleArray']);
>>I've tried this with the un/serialize and without. PHP5 is supposed to
>>handle that for me, but just in case, I tried it anyways.
>>If I don't use the $SESSION, then things work fine and I have
>>my values.
>>I also tried to do this:
>> $_SESSION['ruleArray'] = $ruleArray;
>> $ruleArray = $_SESSION['ruleArray'];
>>And surprisingly that works (although it doesn't solve my problem).
>>Upon loading this back, this is what the array looks like in
>>either case
>>(working or not)
>> [1] => Array
>> (
>> [1] => is_username Object
>> (
>> [name:protected] => Username
>> [DOMNode:protected] => DOMElement Object
>> (
>> )
>> [id:protected] => 1
>> )
>> [2] => is_day Object
>> (
>> [name:protected] => Day
>> [DOMNode:protected] => DOMElement Object
>> (
>> )
>> [id:protected] => 2
>> )
>> ...etc...
>>PHP Version 5.0.3
>>This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
>>Zend Engine v2.0.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies
>> with Zend Extension Manager v1.0.6, Copyright (c)
>>2003-2004, by Zend
>> with Zend Optimizer v2.5.7, Copyright (c) 1998-2004, by Zend
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