Posted by tg-php on 10/06/05 19:25
str_replace() is the first thing that comes to mind. From the manual:
// Provides: <body text='black'>
$bodytag = str_replace("%body%", "black", "<body text='%body%'>");
Using %keyword% and is kind of a template style method, but has worked out well for me (and I assume others) so try something along those lines.
You can also use arrays with str_replace to indicate a list of things that need replacing:
$template = "Please forward this to %NAME% at %ADDRESS%. Call them at %PHONE% if there's a problem";
$tags = array("%NAME%", "%ADDRESS%", "%PHONE%");
$userinfoQY = "select Name, Address, Phone from users";
$userinfoRS = mysql_query($userinfoQY);
while($userinfoRW = mysql_fetch_assoc($userinfoRS)){
$userinfo = array($userinfoRW['Name'], $userinfoRW['Address'], $userinfoRW['Phone']);
echo str_replace($tags, $userinfo, $templte);
Is that the answer you were looking for?
= = = Original message = = =
Is there a search & replace PHP command?
An example I am needing this for would be:
My name is replace_with_real_name
I want to retrieve replace_with_real_name from a mySQL database and put in
the name ... the key is that I want to put the person's name in various
position ... so I want to search for something like "replace_with_real_name"
and be able to put it anywhere in the sentence.
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