Posted by "Shaun" on 10/18/05 22:15
Hi all,
Thanks for your replies, rather than check each vaule by name I am trying to
produce a more dynamic solution:
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
if ($value == '') {
$_POST[$key] == 'NULL';
I was expecting $_POST[$key] to be the same as $key, however this isnt the
$key = city
$_POST[$key] = London
$value = London
Any ideas?
""Richard Lynch"" <ceo@l-i-e.com> wrote in message
> On Tue, October 18, 2005 12:42 pm, tg-php@gryffyndevelopment.com wrote:
>> That should work. You can set it so you can't have NULL, but dont
>> know of anything that tells the database not to accept '' as a value
> Any database, other than MySQL, is *NOT* going to accept '' as an
> integer value.
> Because '' is not an integer by any stretch of the imagination.
> If you don't care about ever porting your application to something
> other than MySQL, then you can IGNORE the advice to not use '' on
> integers.
> If there's ANY possibility that some day somebody might maybe wanna
> use a different database with your application, then don't confuse
> strings with integers.
> Actually, it might be better for your own
> education/sanity/comprehension/documentation/code to not confuse
> strings and integers with '' around integers in the SQL, but if
> everything ELSE is good in your code, and it's "always going to be
> MySQL" then it's fine.
> Note that:
> $value2 = 'NULL'; //PHP $value2 is a string
> $query = "insert into (integer_field) values ($value2)";
> //PHP $query is a string, but...
> The place-holder in $value2 will be just: NULL
> No quotes.
> No apostrophes.
> Not a string.
> SQL NULL value representing "no value"
> --
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