Posted by John Nichel on 10/03/67 11:10
Bronislav Klucka wrote:
> John Nichel wrote:
>> You can build the RPM from the source....
>> rpmbuild -ta php-5.0.3xxx.tar.gz
>> It will put the RPM somewhere like /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/
> I've done this... how can I specify php configure parameters?
> (--with-mysql, etc)
> Brona
It's been a long time since I've done it this way, but I think it's
something like this (I'm sure someone on the list will correct my
Download and extract the source.
CD to the source directory...
>$ ./configure --add-your-options
>$ cd ..
>$ tar -cf php-5.0.3xx.tar php-5.0.3xx/
>$ rpmbuild -ta php-5.03xx.tar
Untested, but I think that's the steps. You can also try 'make rpm'
after you configure the source. I seem to remember something along
those lines.
Course, if you're going to go thru all that trouble, you could just
build it all from source, and bypass the whole RPM process. ;)
John C. Nichel
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