Posted by Mike Easter on 10/21/05 06:40
For some reason, in the third table I named the field bids_ID (instead of
list_ID). That was the cause of my troubles; the query structure was fine
other than the phantom field. I guess MySQL is incapable of protecting me
from myself.
Mike Easter <username@domain.com> wrote in
> I can't seem to get this to work!
> I have three tables: tbl_watch, tbl_items, tbl_highbids. To simplify,
> let's say they have the following fields:
> tbl_watch: client_ID, list_ID
> tbl_items: list_ID, list_Desc
> tbl_highbids: list_ID, list_Bid
> I want to do a straight join on tbl_watch and tbl_items on list_ID.
> I want to do a LEFT join on the resulting dataset to tbl_highbids (in
> other words, I want my final result set to include all records in my
> tbl_watch-to-tbl_items join, even if the list_ID doesn't exist in
> tbl_highbids).
> Further, I'd like to limit the dataset by tbl_watch.client_ID.
> I've looked at the mySQL online help, but none of the permutations I've
> tried give me anything in my result set when I try to add the LEFT join
> to the third table.
> Here's how I interpreted mySQL's example for my purposes:
> SELECT tbl_watch.list_ID, tbl_items.list_Desc, tbl_highbids.list_Bid
> FROM (tbl_watch, tbl_items)
> LEFT JOIN tbl_highbids ON (tbl_highbids.list_ID = tbl_watch.list_ID)
> WHERE tbl_watch.list_ID = tbl_items;
> (Even though this doesn't limit on client_ID, it still returns no
> records!).
> Any help would be REALLY, REALLY appreciated!
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