Posted by Terry on 10/23/05 15:59
mjbigelow@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Terry,
> Thanks for your help! I put the two images (one on top, one on bottom)
> with a width of 100% because I want the table to fit on any size
> screen. Is there any way to keep the 100% width images while fixing
> this weird refresh behavior?
Instead of:
<td width="60"><img alt="Inside Prospects, Inc. -- Seattle Based Lead
Lists, Lead Generation and Market Research" src="imgs/tb_r1c1.jpg" /></td>
Use: <td><img alt="" src="imgs/tb_r1c1.jpg" height="45" width="60" /></td>
Give up on a table presisly filling the screen width. If it "has" to
fit exactly, use a background color and only one <td> for 4 or 5 of the
middle images. That column can resize without problems.
There are a bunch of coding errors that make a browser guess what you
want - they do not all guess right.
Still Having a Ball
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?
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