Posted by Bob Hartung on 10/24/05 06:32
It wasn't what I was looking for but I enable it:
include_path = ".:/php/includes"
This was commented out. After uncommenting it all works as I expected
except that my syntax in the class was wrong. Now I can at least start
to learn.
Thanks Jasper and Derek - you gave me a shove in the right direction.
Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 23:01 -0400, Bob Hartung wrote:
>>Jasper & Derek
>> phpinfo() says:
>> configuration file path /etc/php.ini
>> PHP Core
>> Directive Local Value Master Value
>>display_errors Off Off
>>error_log no value no value
>>log errors on on
>>Derek's idea sends nothing to the log but does send to the browser.
>>It seems that /etc/php.ini is not being parsed since it says:
>> error_reporting = E_ALL
>> display_errors = On
>> display_startup_errors = On
>> log_errors = On
> /etc/php.ini *is* being parsed, it says so right there (above). However,
> display_errors isn't. Do a search inside /etc/php.ini for
> display_errors, see if there's more than one declaration for it. Make
> sure it isn't commented out (sounds silly, but you never know)...
> Oh, and check the permissions on /etc/php.ini, just in case.
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