Posted by "Richard Lynch" on 10/29/05 23:43
On Thu, October 27, 2005 5:04 am, Cabbar Duzayak wrote:
> When someone sends an e-mail using php, exim sets the following 2
> headers (along with others of course):
> Received: from x.x.x.x (EHLO host.mydomain.com) (x.x.x.x) by
> mta151.mail.dcn.yahoo.com with SMTP; Wed, 24 Sep 2005 10:29:04 -0700
> Received: from <O/S User> by host.mydomain.com with local (Exim 4.52)
> id 3ABiAO-00019o-KL for yahoouser@yahoo.com; Thu, 27 Oct 2005 13:29:03
> +0300
> Here, the <O/S User> is picked up from the operation system, and it is
> the user that owns the process, which is the process that initiates
> sending out this e-mail.
> Is there a way to specify a certain user instead of the owner of the
> current process, or is there a way to configure exim such that, it
> won't pick up the owner of that process for this header, but a
> specific user that I explicitly specify through configuration?
In php.ini, you set the sendmail_path.
Your sendmail_path presumably uses exim instead of sendmail?
At any rate, if there are command line args for exim to set the "From"
or whatever it is you want changed, you can cram them into the
sendmail_path in php.ini, and that changes what happens when mail is
If your mail agent does NOT support those as command line args, you
could perhaps set up a special configuration of exim for PHP to run
that has the right /etc/exim.conf (or whatever) files to make it do
what you want.
I really only half-understand this with sendmail, and I know zilch
about exim, but at least this MIGHT work for you.
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