Posted by "Richard Lynch" on 10/31/05 08:18
On Sun, October 30, 2005 5:52 am, Marcus Bointon wrote:
> On 29 Oct 2005, at 20:59, Richard Lynch wrote:
>> So you will most likely be using isset($_POST['checkbox_name'])
>> rather
>> than testing for "on"
> I classify using isset for checking for the existence of array keys
> to be a bad habit as in some common cases it will not work as you
> expect, for example:
> <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_name" />
If you do not specify a "value=" in HTML for a checkbox, the value is
"on" by default.
So this should give you checkbox_name=on in a GET form.
If it doesn't, your browser is very very very broken.
[Probably Internet Explorer would be the one to get this wrong, if any
of them do]
I dunno what version of PHP you are using, nor what php.ini settings
you have, but, at least in my version/settings:
isset($_GET['checkbox_name']) returns 1
Since HTTP and HTML have no concept of NULL, I'm not real worried that
$_GET will have NULL values in it.
I am certainly not going to pollute $_GET/$_POST/$_REQUEST by stuffing
NULL values into them!
If you want to do things that way, go right ahead.
But I really do believe isset($_POST['checkbox_name']) is a "good"
coding practice.
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