Posted by BlackDex on 10/04/21 11:10
Owkay i fixed it :D.
The regexp needed a /s (Pattern Modifier) also so that the "."(DOT) also does newlines :).
Now it is fixed...
Thank you very much Eli :)
/me is happy.
function tag_rep($tag)
$html="<p class=MsoNormal id=par><font size=3 face=\"Comic Sans
MS\"><span lang=NL style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:\"Comic Sans
href=http://www.php.net/index.php> key=value </a></span></font></p>";
echo 'Normal HTML:<br><textarea cols="70" rows="10">';
echo $html;
echo "</textarea><br><br>";
$improved_html = preg_replace('/\<(.*)\>/Ueis','"<".tag_rep("\1").">"',$html);
echo 'Improved HTML:<br><textarea cols="70" rows="10">';
echo str_replace("\\'","'",$improved_html);
echo "</textarea>";
"BlackDex" <black.dex@lycos.nl> wrote in message news:20050310140600.25321.qmail@lists.php.net...
> Thx... it works almost :P
> I Changed the code a bit so you can see the results quicker :).
> It doesn't change every attribute/value. I think this has to do something with the opening and closing of a tag <>.
> ---
> "Eli" <eli.hen@gmail.com> wrote in message news:4230195E.4040404@gmail.com...
>> Sorry for the spam.. here it is:
>> <?php
>> function tag_rep($tag)
>> {
>> return preg_replace('/(?<!\<)(\S+)\s*=\s*(?<![\'"])([^\s\'"]+)(?![\'"])/','\1="\2"',$tag);
>> }
>> $html="<p class=MsoNormal id=par><font size=3 face=\"Comic Sans MS\"><span lang=NL style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:\"Comic
>> Sans MS\"'><a href=http://www.php.net/index.php> key=value </a></span></font></p>";
>> $improved_html=preg_replace('/\<(.*)\>/Ue','"<".tag_rep("\1").">"',$html);
>> echo str_replace("\\'","'",$improved_html);
>> ?>
>> :)
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