Posted by Curt Zirzow on 11/02/05 01:56
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 21:31:51 -0500, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
> New server, new config. PHP 4.3.9 and new mysql db.
> ...
> http://testesp.flsh.usherbrooke.ca/testdb.phps
> http://testesp.flsh.usherbrooke.ca/phpinfo.php
> I cannot even see the "aa\naa<?php ..."
> All I get is <html><body></body></html> It's mysql related, that is for
> sure.
If you dont see the aa\naa that is a tell sign that you have a parse error
in the script that is causing nothing to be sent to the browser. As Rob
suggested, make sure you either turn on display_errors or look at the
system log file (aka php.ini: logfile setting)
Btw, you have a parse error on line 43:
40: }#end of while
42: mysql_close($myconnection);
43: }
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