Posted by Jochem Maas on 11/02/05 18:18
Robert Prentice wrote:
> Even if i change it back to 443 i still get the error.
take another look at your initail error message... it indicates
a problem related to the machines nameserver/dns setting (specifically
I'm willing to bet it's nothing to do with php - your OS seems to at fault.
note that you never mention anything about what version of software you
are using or even what platform you are running on... I'll just assume
linux and the prerequisite knowledge:
does this work for you?:
wget -d -v --delete-after https://www.safetrustprocessing.com
> Robert
> On Nov 2, 2005, at 9:54 AM, Jochem Maas wrote:
>> Terence wrote:
>>> Robert Prentice wrote:
>>> snip
>>>> $reply = http_post("https://www.safetrustprocessing.com", 80, "/
>>> Isnt https supposed to run on port 443? (or other than 80) Just a guess
>> that is the default, but any port is allowed technically ... although
>> putting
>> port 80 under SSL is probably going to cause you a headache
>> sometime/somewhere.
>>>> xml_order_processing.php", array("myXml" => $xml));
>>>> function http_post ($server, $port, $url, $vars) {
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