Posted by Erik Schmitt on 11/03/05 18:24
No one?
Am Samstag, 29. Oktober 2005 15:17 schrieb Erik Schmitt:
> Hello,
> I write an Add-on that needs multidimensional arrays
> extracted from a config-file with no simple key-value
> structure, like provided by a typical Smarty config-file.
> I would like Smarty to be able to parse this different-structured
> config-file, compile it and store it in templates_c; it should
> benefit from the capabilities of Smarty.
> Would it make sense to extend Config_File, overwrite
> the parse-method and tell Smarty to use Config_File_MyNewOne
> while parsing my different-structured config-file?
> Would I have to overwrite other methods?
> Is there any other apprach that makes more sense?
> Thanks!
> Erik
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Erik Schmitt
e-novum Software GmbH
D-49078 Osnabrück, Heger-Tor-Wall 19,
Fon.: +49 (0)541 440 630 - 25, Fax: - 26
E-Mail: mailto:e.schmitt@e-novum.com
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