Posted by Marcus Bointon on 11/14/05 01:06
On 13 Nov 2005, at 22:15, Marco Kaiser wrote:
> try to use realpath, dirname and other related funktion to resolv
> the real path.
> dirname(__FILE__) ?
Good point (you can tell I've been up too long). I've just had a play
with that - I appended the current path to my include_path, but it
seems it's not inherited, so sub-includes are not found. I also tried
chdir(dirname(__FILE__)) which had the same results and interferes
with the operation of require_once (the same file found by a
different path doesn't get counted as the same file). Incidentally
doing just 'echo getcwd();' seems to fail completely when called via
a rewrite. After all that, smarty still can't find its templates_c
for some reason. I'm sure there must be something simple and elegant
I'm missing. Probably a good night's sleep.
Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture
marcus@synchromedia.co.uk | http://www.synchromedia.co.uk
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