Posted by Robin Vickery on 11/15/05 20:18
On 11/15/05, Jochem Maas <> wrote:
> so how many people actually _need_ to write portable code? ok so many you
> are starting a project which will become a runaway success but until it starts
> receiving alot of attention use of short-open-tags is probably not your biggest
> issue either.
I'm lazy. I prefer to do it right the first time so I don't have to go
through thousands of lines of code correcting it.
> lets assume that everyone should be writing completely portable apps, why does this
> ini setting exist? what is the point of offering a setting that can be set to a
> bad(tm) value by design?
Short tags were around before the long form and millions of scripts
were already using them by the time the xml/xhtml issue became
Security really doesn't have anything to do with this.
Short tags have been deprecated for years. Both the manual and the
php.ini file itself advise people not to use them. Personally I think
it's about time they were turned off by default, but that's bound to
annoy a lot of people who've ignored the warnings.
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