Posted by Alain on 11/18/05 08:32
I am trying to consume a 3rd party web service in PHP. The webservice is
written in visual studio .NET (likely VB), and returns a dataset.
My code (modified to remove confidential info), is:
$client = new soapclient("http://webserviceaddress/webservice.asmx?wsdl");
$objectresult = $client->DoFunction($params);
$objectresult2 = $objectresult->DoFunctionResult;
echo $objectresult2;
the last line returns
Object id #4
(I have also enclosed the last line in <pre> </pre> and the result is
the same).
How can I display, or work on the actual XML dataset return string. I
would be happy if I can move the dataset into a table or something -
even just print out the contents of the object.
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