Posted by £ukasz Hejnak on 10/05/36 11:32
Brian V Bonini napisaΕ(a):
> You are saying:
> From the CLI you can write to a file all day long, no prob.
Yes, the shell command "php test.php" works fine when executed as root
(any other user has the same problem as from the web)
> From the web, if the file does not exist it is created, however, no
> content is appended to it. Furthermore, IF there is content in the file
> it can be appended to via web, but if it's an empty file it will not get
> written too. Am I following correctly?
Exactly, as strange as it sounds, it's just like it is.
And another thing, the whole instalation was working perfectly for the
past month or two, and now (friday->saturday) suddenly the above symptom
have appeared.
No config changes, no updates or anything else I could relate was
happening on the server, and there is no info in the log files on this
behaviour, the is_writable says it is writable. The safe mode is disabled.
Hope this tells You something, and gives You an idea on how to solve this.
Best wishes
Εukasz Hejnak
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