Posted by Brian V Bonini on 10/03/03 11:32
On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 09:38, Łukasz Hejnak wrote:
> Brian V Bonini napisał(a):
> > You are saying:
> > From the CLI you can write to a file all day long, no prob.
> Yes, the shell command "php test.php" works fine when executed as root
> (any other user has the same problem as from the web)
> > From the web, if the file does not exist it is created, however, no
> > content is appended to it. Furthermore, IF there is content in the file
> > it can be appended to via web, but if it's an empty file it will not get
> > written too. Am I following correctly?
> Exactly, as strange as it sounds, it's just like it is.
> And another thing, the whole instalation was working perfectly for the
> past month or two, and now (friday->saturday) suddenly the above symptom
> have appeared.
> No config changes, no updates or anything else I could relate was
> happening on the server, and there is no info in the log files on this
> behaviour, the is_writable says it is writable. The safe mode is disabled.
> Hope this tells You something, and gives You an idea on how to solve this.
What does 'df -h' say on your system?
Brian GnuPG -> KeyID: 0x04A4F0DC | Key Server: pgp.mit.edu
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