Posted by Drew on 11/29/05 16:41
Meat Plow wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 14:06:15 +0000, Drew wrote:
>>Onideus Mad Hatter blathered:
>>>Well it is a rather effective means of incurring harsh overly critical
>>>analysis of my work...basically the rejects like yourself...I'm just
>>>using you to further my art...although in your case, yer just a fuckin
>>>burn out, cause you can't seem to identify a specific aspect of a
>>>specific work of mine that has something specifically wrong with it
>>>(non-aesthetic based)...
>>Well first off let's re-clarify that it was you who stated "My skill in
>>typing is as badass as my skill in web design," so thus all critique
>>will cover aesthetic and non-aesthetic aspects of your work.
>>The inconsistent kerning of Backwater Productions on your home page is
>>pathetic and amateurish.
>>Badass web designers complete their site before declaring it thusly (ie:
>>Products and Contact). Jeeze, can't you even post contact info?
>>The drum beat rollovers, the whooshing breeze and sliding portfolio
>>effects are worthless.
>>"Breeder of Australian Shepherd dogs." is not a complete sentence in
>>contrast to your other descriptions that are.
>>http://www.tripoweraussies.com/ is basically a box on a white
>>background. Totally uncool. And what's with the scroll bars that aren't
>>needed? The rollovers are trite and overused. Nothing "badass" here.
>>Click on Males then Family, for example and your Venus, Kitsy, Jack
>>image doesn't match up with the box properly.
>>http://www.backwater-productions.net/wwcc/cell-biology/ Worse problems
>>here. Are you using a template? White box in image shows incomplete work
>>and lack of knowledge.
>>Are you sure that http://www.backwater-productions.net/wwcc/histology-1/
>>is W3C compliant as you claim?
>>Please explain the lack of functionality here:
>>http://www.backwater-productions.net/wwcc/yoga-online/ Did Ms. Johnson
>>really pay your for this site? You need to give her her money back, plus
>>I've seen all I need to. For you folks still following this thread
>>please go to http://www.backwater-productions.net and explore these
>>"badass" designs.
>>That's it from my corner of the world. As I stated earlier, I'm just a
>>janitor. There's the trash.
> Drew, Hatter aka Diaperboi is just a bad, attention seeking troll with
> limited skills. Best not to get too worked up over his garbage.
Not worked up over here in the least. He wanted a critique and I thought
I'd oblige. Now if he has objections to the above critique I look
forward to him posting some "better badass" designs. Otherwise he should
shut up with with his false claims.
Just my 2¢. YMMV.
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