Posted by Michael Crute on 12/06/05 21:28
On 12/6/05, Ben <ben@emediastudios.com> wrote:
> Michael Crute said the following on 12/06/2005 09:53 AM:
> > On 12/6/05, Richard Davey <rich@corephp.co.uk> wrote:
> > Indeed, if you are bad at VI things go very slow but if you are good
> > at VI (I am semi-good) you can code FAR faster than any GUI I have
> > ever used.
> If you take the upfront time to learn how to use VIM you'll discover it
> is very powerful and very quick. It's even better if you use it in
> conjunction with screen.
> > Plus you can use VIM on Windows too.
> Yes, though if you're stuck on Windows I'd suggest using VIM via Putty
> (even if you're using Putty to SSH to your local machine) so that you
> can resize your shell window horizontally as well as vertically.
> - Ben
Well if you properly setup GVIM (turn off the menus and toolbars) you
have about the same thing. Thats what I use at work instead of
notepad. It works really well.
My _gvimrc file looks like so and accomplishes exactly what you are
saying with GVIM
au GUIEnter * simalt ~x
set guioptions=
syn on
set guifont=Lucida_Console:h9:cANSI
set wrap!
set nu
set tabstop=4
emenu Edit.Color Scheme.torte
set nocp
set bs=2
set swapfile!
Michael E. Crute
Software Developer
SoftGroup Development Corporation
Linux takes junk and turns it into something useful.
Windows takes something useful and turns it into junk.
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