Posted by John Nichel on 12/06/05 22:25
Jay Blanchard wrote:
> [snip]
>><FlameBate>And for those interested in using a real computer</
>>GUI also runs under MacOSX.
>>If they are "real" why aren't there more of them?
> Because they have 'real' price tags. Shame really, as OS X pisses all
> over Windows from a great height. Oh well, nothing wrong with being
> in an elite minority ;)
> [/snip]
> I wish, oh how I wish (and if you have been reading this list for any amount
> of time in the past 6 months, you'd know) that Santa Claus would bring me
> BSD OS's on all of my servers and give our network personel the cajone's to
> deal with the change. Please Santa? If you give me this I promise to never
> ask for anything more than peace on Earth, goodwill towards men ever again.
> Promise.
Bill's gonna get mad at you. ;)
John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo
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