Posted by Curt Zirzow on 12/07/05 03:26
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 12:38:28PM -0500, Gabe wrote:
> In this if statement, if the condition is true, then it will assign true
> to the array (as I want it to). If the condition evaluates to false, it
> assigns nothing. Any idea why it won't assign false? If I switch the
> FALSE boolean value to the number 0, that will get assigned. Seems
> kinda strange...
> $this->m_arrQuesInfo[$this->m_itemID]['blnVacPromo'] = ( (
> !empty($_POST['vac_promo']) ) && ( $_POST['vac_promo'] == 'on' ) ) ?
It only appears to be nothing, if you issue:
php -r "echo false;"
Nothing happens.
if you issue:
php -r "var_dump(false);"
You'll get bool(false)
Btw, your condition is doing extra work. Consider the output of:
php -r "var_dump(0 && 1);"
Outputs: bool(false)
So your condition to return true or false isn't really needed, a
$this->m_arrQuesInfo[$this->m_itemID]['blnVacPromo'] =
( !empty($_POST['vac_promo']) && $_POST['vac_promo'] == 'on'; )
Will be exactly the same thing.
Also I would suggest changing empty() to isset(), so you would have
$this->m_arrQuesInfo[$this->m_itemID]['blnVacPromo'] =
( isset($_POST['vac_promo']) && $_POST['vac_promo'] == 'on'; )
empty() in this case doesn't really mean anything, the isset() will
prevent a E_NOTICE to happen.
cat .signature: No such file or directory
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