Posted by Jay Blanchard on 12/09/05 22:22
Wow...what a helpful answer! Thankfully, other people responded to
the guys question and didn't come off like smug pricks!
Been on mailing lists long? Who the fuck are you to critisize me buttwad?
Probably some new, politically correct panty-waist who says Happy Holidays
because he doesn't have the balls to say Merry Christmas. I saw that you had
a better answer. Keep calling out people like this and you'll quickly earn a
trip to /dev/null. Is that smug enough for you?
Every four months or so some jerkwad joins the list and gets his
sensibilities bruised when a terse reply is given to someone who a.) doesn't
need defending and 2.) obviously did no research at all. There is a concept
here called teaching a developer to fish. I wasn't rude and the links were
quite helpful.
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