Posted by Jon on 10/15/13 11:34
I'm using something close, but I'm still not sure how to get from the
numbered pages to the display page. Right now, I can click on page 3, and it
will send in a variable as a query string on that page link that's being
incremented by 15 (images per page), it really only breaks when I go BACK a
page - not as in clicking the back button, but if I go from page 4 to 3 for
example, everything blows up... Here's what my code looks like:
Gallery page code:
$eu = ($start - 0);
$limit = 15; // No of records to be shown per page.
$this = $eu + $limit;
$back = $eu - $limit;
$next = $eu + $limit;
$sqlGetPhotos = "SELECT * FROM tblPhotoGallery WHERE catID = $category limit
$eu, $limit";
Then for the links (pages and next/prev):
if($back >=0){
print "<td><a
if($n != $eu){
echo "<td><a
if($this < $totalPhotos){
print "<td><a
So, do I run an identical query then on the actual display page to know
which image they've clicked on? I want the images themselves to be links so
when they click one, it displays the full size image in a separate gallery
with next/previous links.
Code on display page:
//get $i from the gallery display so we know where we're at in the image
$i = $_GET[i];
if(!isset ($i)){
$i = 0;
$sql = "SELECT photoID, fileName, photoDesc FROM tblPhotoGallery WHERE catID
= $category AND active = 'Y'";
//This is loading the images into a separate array so I can track where
we're at in the list, and increment to each photoID (as we dont know what
the IDs will be)
while($photoList = mysql_fetch_array($dataFile)){
$nextPhoto[] = $photoList['photoID'];
$photo[] = $photoList['fileName'];
$caption[] = $photoList['photoDesc'];
Then the link:
<td width="137"><div align="center"><a href = "photoDisplay.php?i=<?php
echo($i); ?>&catID=<?= $category ?>&fileName=<?php
echo($photo[$i]);?>&start=<?= $start?>">Next</a></div></td>
So I always know where we're at in the recordset, as I'm running by $i -
photo[] stores the file names in order... Any idea how I can implement your
algorithm to still pass the correct photo from one page to another?
"Connector5" <junkmilenko@charter.net> wrote in message
> Your image gallery search code should be reproducable, right?
> I mean, if you know that you want page 3 you can instantly pull up page 3,
> right? If not, you may want to rethink your schema.
> When I am doing pagination, I use the sql offset commands to specify a
> rowstart and a rowcount to return. That way, I only need to know that I
> was
> on page 3 and I can set a returnto=search&page=3 schema.
> MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/select.html
> PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/static/sql-select.html
> PHP:
> $offset = (($pictures_per_page * $page) - $page);
> // Very good habit to get into with queries
> $offset = (int) $offset; // For strings: $offset = (string)
> mysql_escape_string($offset);
> $page = (int) $page; // For strings: $page = (string)
> mysql_escape_string($page);
> /* MySQL */ $result = mysql_query("select * from `image_table` order by
> `submit_date` desc limit '$offset','$pictures_per_page'");
> /* PgSQL */ $result = pgsql_query("select * from \"image_table\" order
> by
> \"submit_date\" desc limit '$pictures_per_page' offset '$offset'");
> // Extra credit
> /* MySQL */ if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { /* Show Error Page or
> maybe
> page 1? */ }
> /* PgSQL */ if (pgsql_num_rows($result) == 0) { /* Show Error Page or
> maybe
> page 1? */ }
> NOTE: The offset formula sometimes will raise a derelict page. Like 2
> pages when you only have 15 results, and the second page will be blank.
> This is not consistently reproduceable, so you may want to query the last
> page automatically and see if it has results, and if so, then leave out
> the
> page number. Maybe someone else can offer a better solution to that.
> "Jon" <jonra@netins.com> wrote in message
> news:dnkp1g$um2$1@news.netins.net...
>> Ok, I'm so close to being done with this application, but have run into
>> something I simply cannot seem to fix. Here's the deal:
>> I have a MySQL driven gallery page, that displays 15 images per page
>> (thumbnails, in rows of 5). If the page goes over 1, there's a
> next/previous
>> button with numbers of each page at the top.
>> So far so good. I also have a page that displays the full version of the
>> images - with a next/previous button to rotate through the images. As you
>> may have seen in my previous posts, I'm tracking where I'm at in the
>> recordset returned from the DB via an array storing each file name, so
>> the
>> next button and previous button are all built using a variable counter of
> $i
>> so I know exactly where I'm at in the recordset from the DB. Each time
>> you
>> click next, the query is run again, the array of file names is rebuilt,
> and
>> $i is incremented to the next value in the data returned.
>> Alright, here's where it gets ugly - I WAS passing $i from the actual
>> gallery display (the thumbnails) so when the user clicked on a thumb, it
>> would query the full list of photos and we'd always be at $i on the other
>> side, therefore we'd always know were we were at in the array of images.
>> The problem is now trying to pass $i from the multiple pages - I've tried
>> incrementing $i by 15 (the total number of photos per page), and though
> the
>> next button and previous buttons work, the numbered links do not work -
>> in
>> particular when you go BACK a number - so if I'm at 4, and I click on
>> page
>> 3, $i is incremented wrong, and everything blows up.
>> Mainly, I'm wondering if anyone has built an application like this and
>> has
> a
>> better algorithm for passing this data - If anyone has a clear idea on
> what
>> I'm needing, or thinks the code will help, I'll post any code you need
> (it's
>> quite a bit, so I figured I'd start with just a description of the
> problem).
>> Does anyone have some advice for me here on a better way to do this, or a
>> way to fix the algorithm I'm currently using? I'm desparate :(
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