Posted by DA Morgan on 12/19/05 18:47
Crazy Cat wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I figured mabye my problem could be solved by upgrading the version of
> Oracle so I installed Oracle 10.1 on Friday and had success with the
> Microsoft Oracle OLEDB provider -- not so with the Oracle provider, but
> rather than wasting a bunch of time figuring out why I couldn't connect
> with that I figured the MS Oracle DB provider would fill my needs.
> However this morning I attempted to once again connect via SQL Server
> Express figuring and had gotten over the hurdle and I got a new error
> -- OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "MSORACLE" returned
> message "Oracle error occurred, but error message could not be
> retrieved from Oracle.". And again I can connect to this database fine
> using PL/SQL Developer. So once again I'm back to square one and
> totally perplexed. Any idea how
> to retrieve the Oracle messages?
> As to why I'm using SQL Server Express -- I am doing an MS Excel
> automation project, so I'm not quite sure that Oracle is an option on
> the client side. Also the backend is not on my machine -- I actually
> have no idea where it is, except that I know it's some huge (6
> Terabyte) database server somewhere.
> By "Local to remote mapping" I'm referring to the selection on SQL
> Server Express' Security Property Page (right click on Properties for
> the linked server, then click on the Security selection in left pane of
> the dialog box that appears). It appears to allow you to enter a user
> and password combination that will be used to attach to the linked
> server.
> Thanks again
If you are in the United States you might want to take a good look at
the requirements of Sarbanes Oxley and your probable violation by
using MS Excel.
If you have something to do with Oracle data you might want to just
leave it in the Oracle database and create your reports directly from
that repository.
Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
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