Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/22/05 18:38
tony@marston-home.demon.co.uk wrote:
>>>I disagree. I have worked for decades with case-insensitive languages
>>>and I have always treated $FOO and $foo as the same variable.
>>But I didn't say $FOO or $Foo. I said $foo and $foO!
> Any programmer who deliberately mixes case like that is a candidate for
> the unemployment queue.
>> People have no
>>trouble will all caps or the first letter capitalized. What about the
>>difference between setsLower() and setSlower()? To a human reader
>>those have different meanings,
> Not to me, they don't. When writing a program I am writing in a
> language that a computer understands, so I have to *think* like a
> computer. To a computer the case of a word is irrelevant, and so is
> it's pronunciation.
>>to a case-insensitive compiler they are
>>the same.
> And to a person who has been using case-insensitive compilers for 30
> years they are the same.
Sorry, Tony, this last statement is incorrect.
I first learned Fortran back in the 60's. Much more than 30 years ago.
Yet when I converted to one of the more modern languages (C in my case)
I didn't have any trouble getting used to the case sensitivity. Sure,
at first it was awkward. But not any more.
Since then I've also gotten into C++, Java, JavaScript and PHP, among
other languages. All are case sensitive. And I have no problems with
them. And I still do some Fortran and a couple of other non-case
sensitive languages.
So - as a person who has been using case-insensitive compilers for over
30 years, they are NOT the same.
Hey - get over it. It's called progress. Someone earlier pointed out -
in the 60's everything was upper case because punch cards only handled
upper case. I'll add that most printers only had upper case chars on
their chains. But we don't have that artificial limitation any more.
And case sensitivity can make programs more readable, if used properly.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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