Posted by Clyde on 12/29/05 17:14
SpaceGirl wrote:
>> Here, let me try explaining to you the S..L..O..W way:
>> Photoshop - select a box area, hold down CTRL, then move your mouse
>> slightly and hope to fuck you don't accidentally move the selection
>> out of place in the process.
> Pretty much sums it up. What professional uses Photoshop with a mouse!?
> Really ends the discussion right there ;) Buy yourself a graphics tablet
> for gods sake :P
Professional what? I'm a professional photographer and I use a mouse
with Photoshop. I used to have a Wacom tablet and used it for years.
Everyone said that was the way to go. "All the pros do it that way."
Well, not necessarily.
Years ago in college, I took a class in drawing. The mutual conclusion
that my teacher and I came to was "stick to photography". i.e. I have
the eye and the creativity, but not the hand for art.
Guess what, tablets take that same hand skill. I kept frustrating
myself. For example, I would hit a spot using the Healing Brush or
Rubber Stamp and get a different result every time. That had to do with
the pressure sensitive feature of tablets. My hand couldn't get just
exactly the right amount of pressure consistently.
With a mouse I automatically got the same hit every time. I just keep my
left hand on the [ & ] keys to quickly adjust the size of the brush.
Since I only edit photographs and never "draw" or "paint" in Photoshop,
I don't need the pressure sensitive feature of a tablet. As this is the
big reason to use a tablet, I have found that a mouse works better for
me. So, I sold my tablet and lived happily ever after.
I'm sure that most professional Photoshop users have artistic hands and
would find that tablets work better for them, not all of us. Once again,
broad, sweeping statements that declare universitality are proven wrong.
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