Posted by Daemon on 12/30/05 10:25
Noneya wrote:
> I know this probably isn't the bestest place to be posting this, but I'm
> at wits end. You've got to know what that's like. I'm trying to get a
> dynamic playlist generated in PHP that will create an .M3U playlist for
> Windows Media Player. Here is what I have so far:
> my problem is that when this successfully creates an .m3u on the fly
> WINAMP plays the file just fine but WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER chokes on it
> like it's the red headed step child here for an explination of "bad
> touch". Please help so WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER will play the damn .m3u
> file.
We all know that Windows Media Player uses the same protocols as
Internet Explorer, so it does not come as a surprise as the issues may
be caused by anything!
So, to fix this, why not just create a file on request, to be updated
and concurrent with your content.
And your structure is 'differnt'.
I would have just used a foreach statment from a glob-return-array.
Place fopen here to your m3u
foreach (glob('*.mp3') as $media) {
Place your fwrite statment here...
Place your fclose here
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