Posted by Jerry Kita on 01/03/06 07:39
Man-wai Chang wrote:
> A table with a column big5 char(2) not null primary key.
> $target->query("delete from canton");
> for ($ii=0; $ii<256; $ii++) {
> for ($jj=0; $jj<256; $jj++) {
> echo $ii .".". $jj . "\n";
> $query="insert into canton ( big5 ) values ( '"
> . mysql_real_escape_string(chr($ii).chr($jj))
> . "' )";
> $target->query($query);
> }
> }
> The program died with this output:
> 0.92
> 0.93
> 0.94
> 0.95
> 0.96
> 0.97
> Duplicate entry '' for key 1
> The character strings shouldn't be repeated. Why did it stop at (0,97)?
Here's one thought ..... ascii (97) is the letter "a" .... is it
possible that the ascii (65) "A" was interpreted as lowercase thus
creating a duplicate primary key? Or your DBMS doesn't make a
distinction between upper or lower case.
Jerry Kita
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