Posted by Isaac Hunt on 09/26/86 11:36
I'm trying to get variables POSTed from a form. What I'm looking for is a
way of getting all variables in one shot. The form contains (amongst other
things) the following lines:-
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="checknew">
<input size="50" name="emai1" value="<? echo $email; ?>">
I'm trying to read them back in using:-
foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
# $this->$key = $value;
echo "$key = $value<br>\n";
This is showing all the vaiables without a problem but if I put the
following straight after I get nothing
echo " ACTION = ".$action;
Adding a $action=$_POST[action];
works fine.
Is there a simple way to get all the variables without doing a $_POST[] for
each one? That's a bit long winded if there's 80 plus to read in.
register_globals is off.
Isaac Hunt
Possibly the most handsome man here?
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