Posted by Stan McCann on 01/08/06 18:17
Andrew DeFaria <> wrote in
> Stan McCann wrote:
>> Andrew DeFaria <> wrote in news:43bdd54c$0$58113
>> $
>>> Stan McCann wrote:
>>>> [1] Bill Gates is even responsible for Andrew's top posting.
>>>> Outlook brought that style on.
>>> You have an odd definition of "top posting". I don't top post. I
>>> intersperse...
>> Not an odd definition at all. I apologize that I attributed
>> something to you incorrectly.
> Apology accepted. Thanks for admitting a simple mistake.
Not a problem. I believe strongly in admitting mistakes, and we all
make them. I also believe we learn from our mistakes (lesson here is
look more carefully before naming someone). Being a teacher on the
side, I always give students the opportunity to fix their work
believing that they are learning more by fixing the mistakes.
Stan McCann "Uncle Pirate"
Webmaster/Computer Center Manager, NMSU at Alamogordo There are 10 kinds of people.
Those that understand binary and those that don't.
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