Posted by M. Sokolewicz on 03/24/05 19:04
how about... just leave it? Why do you need to destroy it anyway? :S
Tomás Rodriguez Orta wrote:
> I sorry I can't destroy of value variable by pass url
> I try this.
> unset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
> but the url have the same value. don't delete this value.
> what can i do?
> somebody can help me.
> regards TOMAS
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jay Blanchard" <jay.blanchard@niicommunications.com>
> To: "Tomás Rodriguez Orta" <admin@angerona.cult.cu>; "[php] PHP General
> List" <php-general@lists.php.net>
> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:23 AM
> Subject: RE: [PHP] How can I destroy parameters by page
> [snip]
> IHow Can I destroy some variable that I pass by url, exmple:
> http://webadmin/paginas/personalidades.php?ac2=delete&item=18#
> then when i get the varibale ac2 and item, I want to delete the value of
> this variable.
> how can I do?
> [/snip]
> http://www.php.net/unset
> --
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