Posted by dforums on 01/14/06 17:43
I understood that it was linked but for security issue it is out of
question that I set it to off.
Please give me a secure answer.
I suppose the code must be change a little.
david bigand
messju mohr a écrit :
>On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 02:35:42PM +0100, dforums wrote:
>>I got the following message with smarty.
>>*Fatal error*: Smarty error: [in home.html line 1]: syntax error:
>>invalid attribute name: 'entete.html\' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line
>>1531) in */home/julie-envy/dev/class/libs/Smarty.class.php* on line *1095
>turn off magic_quotes_runtime in php.ini or via ini_set().
>>Could you tell me, why ?
>>And what to do ?
>>I use php 5.0.4
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