Posted by "Richard Lynch" on 01/19/06 23:38
Then var_dump($xml) and see what's in there.
The data you want is in there somewhere -- you just need to figure out
where it is.
On Thu, January 19, 2006 3:10 pm, Ron Eggler (Paykiosks) wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 19.01.2006, 13:51 -0600 schrieb Richard Lynch:
>> On Thu, January 19, 2006 12:08 pm, Ron Eggler (Paykiosks) wrote:
>> > <cardSKU category="Local Dial Tone/Telephone Service"
>> > distributor="EWI"
>> > discontinued="false" cardtype="PIN" transactionType="PURC">
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> > </cardSKU>
>> > [/xml]
>> >
>> > and I wanna read information out of it by:
>> > [php]
>> > $xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
>> > /* a few other things like parsing xml that works fine */
>> > foreach ($xml->cardSKU as $cardSKU)
>> > {
>> > array_push($category,(string)$cardSKU['category']);
>> > }
>> > [/php]
>> > but it seems not to work, the array $category stays empty, why
>> that?
>> It's pretty much the same problem you posted yesterday...
>> category is going to be the $key of the array, not the value.
>> echo "<pre>xml->cardSKU:<br />\n";
>> var_dump($xml->cardSKU);
>> echo "<hr />\n";
>> foreach($xml->cardSKU as $key => $cardSKU){
>> echo "key: $key<br />\n"
>> var_dump($cardSKU);
>> echo "<hr />\n";
>> }
>> When you don't get the data you expect, use var_dump() on the data
>> BEFORE that to see where the bits you want exist -- You'll usually
>> find that they array/key/value/object structure has what you want,
>> just in different places than you were looking.
> Sorry, I can' really get it :(
> I inserted your code and got this:
> [html]
> <pre>xml->cardSKU:<br />
> object(SimpleXMLElement)#3 (0) {
> }
> <hr />
> [/html]
> shouldn't there be listed all elements of 'category'?
> Thanks again and sorry if I'm driving you crazy by that but it's the
> really first time I'm doing something like that...
> __________________________________________
> Ron Eggler
> Intern
> 866-999-4179
> www.paykiosks.net
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