Posted by David Hall on 01/20/06 21:35
David BERCOT wrote:
> I think it is very heavy to write... I read about
> ini_set("session.auto_start",1) but, on my server (Debian), it doesn't
session.auto_start doesn't make sense as being set in the actual file.
its meant to be something that's done by the server on every file, so
setting that in every file is something that wouldn't make sense with
its function
> So, I'd like to put my options (use_trans_sid, 0, etc...) and to have
> lite scripts. Is it possible ?
> Isn't there, like in asp, a global.asa where I can put all my
> parameters ?
I mean, there's the php.ini . . . Otherwise use includes like the other
poster said
Also, if you can't change the php.ini, but you're on an apache server,
see this stuff http://us2.php.net/manual/en/configuration.changes.php
David Hall
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