Posted by Peterken on 01/15/06 22:30
"Jose" <teacherjh@aol.nojunk.com> wrote in message
>> AND a button which would close the window.
> Why not use the regular close box that comes with all windows? I never
> understood the close buttons that appeared as part of a web page. Why
> invent the wheel again?
> Jose
> --
> Money: what you need when you run out of brains.
> for Email, make the obvious change in the address.
I personally think embedding "close" buttons is a feature that has more to
do with "clicking some hidden features when closing the window", to execute
unwanted code.
More as once the opened window even contains an image with depicted
"yes-close" buttons, tempting the user to click "close" and unwillingly
opening the link behind the image.
So personally I *always* avoid those tempting mouse-traps, I *always* use
the normal "uppercorner-X" in windows.
(and yes, I do know of window.onclose() functionality being able to do again
some weird things :-( )
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