Posted by Andrew DeFaria on 09/27/42 11:37
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> At least as much as the HR specialist! Similarly I would not ask a
>> transmission specialist how to do a brake job - but you would. Who's
>> the idiot here?
> No, you'd tear the transmission apart yourself. After all, you know
> more than the experts.
I might easily know more than the brake specialist (however in this case
I don't). You totally missed the point here.
> And you ignore the fact it is the HR specialist's job to know the law.
> No, he isn't a lawyer. But he has to understand HR law. Just as a
> CPA must understand laws relating to accounting practices, taxes, etc.
> - even though he isn't an attorney either.
This is true, however it's clear that while the HR specialist may claim
to know the law they don't. It ain't a law and the challenge to prove it
is a law remains in your court.
> But then you obviously know more than the CPA or anyone else, also!
I know that the law of which you speak does not exist here in California
nor the US. That's the argument here, that's the point and whether or
not I know more than a CPA or a brake specialists is not the point.
> BTW - please stand up when you talk. I can't hear you very well when
> your arse is muffled by the chair.
I"m not talking - I'm typing. You're responding so it's clear you "hear"
me. You only seem to turn deaf when challenged or when convenient for
your irrational arguments. Either that or it's a comprehension problem,
however I wouldn't be surprised if it were both.
However this argument is easy to end - just provide proof of your
assertion. Otherwise your just blowing hot air...
If things get any worse, I'll have to ask you to stop helping me.
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