Posted by Steve on 01/23/06 19:13
On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:05:20 -0500, JackM wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> JackM wrote:
>>> Use a php include:
>>> include( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/cssfile.css" );
>>> or you may need something like
>>> include("/var/www/public_html/yoursite/cssfile.css");
>>> Of course, you need to aim the path to fit your server's needs. If you
>>> need more information, try Googling "php include css file"
>> You don't include CSS files. You link to them.
> No, mine are included in a file called sitecss.css along with a browser
> sniffer and called with a function. May not be your way but it works
> just fine. The function:
> <?php
> //note that this is NOT the complete script pasted here, just the function
> function css_site() {
> ?>
Ah, so they're *generated* inline by an included file. Minor difference (:
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