Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 09/18/05 00:55
"Safalra" <usenet@safalra.com> skrev i meddelandet
> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> > I have two pages which contain one picture in common.
> > https://www.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com/index.php
> >
> > This pictures changes everyday but it has different width and height on
> > two pages.
> > Should I resize it by using a photo software or is it enough to let the
> > code do the job and resize it?
> Image manipulation software will usually give better results (and give
> you more options).
But in this case I would need save the same image in 2 different maps to
call them by the name of the corresponding datum
(for example 09-18.jpg), wouldn´t I?
However, if you decided to rely on PHP you should
> always check its results to make sure the resized image looks
> satisfactory.
This is the main problem.
Do you think that the picture which is shown below on the page
and on the page
look bad?
Of course, I cannot keep the same proportions between width and height if I
do not cut it somewhere and save it as 2 different files.
Luigi Donatello Asero
(sono italiano ma vivo in Svezia)
(я итальянец но я живу в Швеции )
( 我是 意大利人 , 但是 我 主 在 瑞典)
(minä olen Italian kansalainen, mutta minä asun Ruotsissa)
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