Posted by Arne on 09/18/05 22:38
Once upon a time *trvst2@netscape.net* wrote:
> OK, folks, I'll give this a try and see if it works. It should take
> you to the main page with six links listed as Units 1-6. I'll try
> again if there's a problem.
> http://www.keanweb.net/introindex2.htm
Try also to not toppost on news.
"Error: The stylesheet http://www.keanweb.net/mystyle.css.txt was not
loaded because its MIME type, "text/plain", is not "text/css"."
<LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="mystyle.css.txt" >
This is *not* a stylesheet file, it's a plain text file as the
extension tells you. I must be only "mystyle.css" without anything
after the extension ".css"
Now killing all posts originating at GoogleGroups
Workaround: http://www.safalra.com/special/googlegroupsreply/
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