Posted by SpaceGirl on 09/19/05 01:03
Jim Higson wrote:
> Travis Newbury wrote:
> I'm a bit unsure - are you upgrading a new flash runtime/format or developer
> tool, or are the two closely tied together? I admit I've never looked very
> deeply into Flash.
>>Creating an
>>application that looks and functions identically on any OS desktop,
>>browser, PDA, or cellphone is now a reality.
> Agreed, but not with Flash - Macromedia's Linux support is pretty poor.
Flash 6 player and Flash 8 player are both available under Linux. Also
Flash Lite (mini version of the Flash Player) is now shipped with most
major PDAs and even a few cell phones, not to mention being used for a
UI on at least one games console and several interactive TV set-top
boxes now.
> As far as I care, the biggest problem with flash is there is no way for the
> browser to look at the semantics and filter just the annoying uses, so
> pretty much everything gets blocked.
> BTW, has an SVG viewer ever been implemented in flash? If so it could be a
> good stopgap while we wait for browser support to catch on.
SVG format is dead. The biggest (almost only) commercial backer is/was
Adobe, and now that they own Flash (they bought Macromedia) there is no
incentive at all for them to continue that support - expecially when
none of the major browsers natively support SVG (you need a fat
plugin/player for IE - FireFox 1.5 comes with support but that's not out
yet) PLUS Microsoft are bringing out their own rival product called
Metro built into Windows Vista... It'll be a Metro Vs. Flash fight, and
I doubt SVG will get a look-in. There's also a huge technical flaw in
SVG - the files it generates are utterly HUGE; making it not exactly
ideal for WWW!
x theSpaceGirl (miranda)
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