Posted by Chairman Cow on 09/19/05 18:59
In article
ThePsyko@itookmyprozac.com says...
> On 19 Sep 2005 in alt.2600, Fly Cooter <fly_cooter_@example.com> made
> their contribution to mankind by stating in
> news:1127133704.da9660110b020d12433e0bcf0f97d195@bubbanews:
> > In article <Xns96D643ABE3493LifeIsGood@nntp.petitmorte.net>,
> > thepsyko@itookmyprozac.com says...
> >>
> >>
> >>On 18 Sep 2005 in alt.hackers.malicious, Fly Cooter
> >><fly_cooter_@example.com> made their contribution to mankind by
> >>stating in news:1127098305.dcfd070e8eee94fe08c7cad7334a9b8c@bubbanews:
> >>
> >>> In article <8pspi1pu5j0pm7sd1jcif4tqssvil3jic8@4ax.com>,
> >>> usenet@backwater-productions.net says...
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Looks like mommy may have taken away his puter privileges. ^_^
> >>>
> >>> Not quite, TestiClees. She's long gone. I've had my own crib for
> >>> almost eight years. Knee deep in pussy all weekend is where I been
> >>> at, 'mo. Foreign concept to you.
> >>>
> >>
> >>8 years huh? In San Bernardino? Odd.
> >
> > No. I only moved out here about a year ago. I found a pretty sweet
> > deal on an all-inclusive 1 BR that was too good to refuse. Not that
> > its any of your business.
> >
> Why San Bernardino? Where did you move from? How bad could it have been
> that you'd go where you are? I really don't understand why anybody would
> choose Southern California.
SoCal has some pretty kewl places to live, especially on
the beach.
San Berdoo, however, sure as hell isn't one of them.
Maybe he needs to listen to a bit of Frank Zappa
"Tis an ill wind that blows no minds"
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