Posted by Vampi Fangs on 09/22/05 01:14
On 21 Sep 2005 19:38:59 GMT, ThePsyko <ThePsyko@itookmyprozac.com>
>On 21 Sep 2005 in alt.2600, "Aries" <aries-no-spam@upyours.org.invalid>
>made their contribution to mankind by stating in
>> So I was surfing zone-h.org and I ran across the following mirror.
>> http://www.zone-h.org/defacements/mirror/id=2875329/
>> Terrence "fly" Cooter of San Bernardino, California your repressed
>> homosexuality has been archived forever courtesy of AHM and The Jedi.
>> No thanks necessary!
>You forgot to include all the froups homo-cooter has been harassing.
>No thanks necessary lol
ah hell, it was another jedi triumph ... my bad
"It's liberty for all, democracy's our style,
unless you are against us,
then it's prison without trial."
Rolling Stones "Sweet Neo Con"
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