Posted by Ken on 03/31/05 13:49
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:45:04 +0200, Merlin <news.groups@web.de> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am facing a problem in getting all values from a form.
> There are loads of input check boxes in there which are named:
> x_1, x_2 etc.
> Now I want to get that post data into an array.
> Somehow like this:
> for ...{
> $interests[] = $_POST[x_1];
> }
> The problem is that the script does not know how many x there are and it does
> not know the number. So how to get them all?
> Has anybody an idea, I am lost on that one.
> Thanx for any hints,
> Merlin
> PS: I know that there is another way in passing the checkbox values, but due to
> some JS reasons I do have to go that way.
check the php manual for the function foreach
foreach($_POST as $value)
$interests[] = $value;
hth, sorry for the first mail i screwed up :D
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