Posted by John Henry on 09/25/05 07:19
Yo, Onideus Mad Hatter, I dug her rap! Mah mama din raise no dummehs!
> On Sat, 24 Sep 2005 22:58:57 -0400, John Henry <jhd@insurgent.orgy>
> wrote:
>>Yo, Fly Cooter, I dug her rap! Mah mama din raise no dummehs!
>>> In article <96t9j19t0o4o2hpn547nnh36re40enduge@4ax.com>,
>>> usenet@backwater-productions.net says...
>>>>*Hatter pops another beer*
>>> the only person I actually got to speak to was John Henry.
>>I wondered which whackjob it was that called me. Now I know.
>>So you're not only a whining cunt who has targeted me for the apparent
>>'crime' of noting that you're a fucking whackjob, you're also a hypocrite
>>and a chickenshit.
>>Tell me, whackjob, why I would put a FAKE phone number in my whois when my
>>REAL phone number is on the bottom of my web page?
>>NB: Caller-ID != ANI. Nice try.
>>Congratulations, assmuch. It takes a real special breed of fuckhead to
>>manage to get me and Diaperboi on the same side of an argument.
> Awww, I lurv you too Diaperbitch.
> Actually truth be told you do have the greatest potential as far as
> technical skill...you need to develop your own sense of style though,
> those people pose photo CD pulls with the quote whoring just ain't
> gettin it (of course they might look alright if you had done a better
> job of makin em).
Probably, but I've got a lot on my plate right now and my chief concern is
to change the site from looking like a personal site that does design on
the side to a design site.
The people-pose things...honestly, I can't stand 'em, but they work from a
position of marketing psychology. Same thing with the color scheme - I
hate red, myself, but it's been proven time and time again that a widget
in a red package will outsell a widget in a package of any other color.
My clients aren't tech-savvy or up on the latest whatever. Not to say
they're not intelligent and good people, they're just not going to notice
the difference in a jpg with a few artifacts in it and one without, and if
they do notice, they're not likely to care (unless it's so garbaged up
that they can't see anything)..
What they *will* notice is if the page takes forever to load because I'm
using PNGs. You gotta remember that I'm in a rural area; 70+% of the 'net
users around here are still on dialup.
NB: Much as I dislike your abrasive know-it-all schtick, I appreciate
the compliment.
> Free cl00, assuming the base images have white background, create a
> layered image in Photoshop or whatever, on the bottom layer use your
> background color, on the top layer have the image you want and set the
> layer transparency to like multiply. Then switch to the bottom layer
> and do any cut and smudging you need to. It'll produce much cleaner
> results than your current method (which leaves a faint white outline
> around the person).
Current method is almost to the dot what you described, but a) backgrounds
aren't always white, or even a single color and b) rather than tedious
hand manipulation I've just been using a defringing tool in photoshop.
Even with that I have had to do a significant bit of fiddling to get the
images right, because frequently there are colors in the area I want to
keep that match colors in the area I want to lose, and I'm flat-out too
damned lazy to try and mask-select them by tracing them with a mouse.
With the way I'm doing things right now, tightening the images up is
really just a matter of doing a little hand-painting, I'm just trying to
rush the work so I can get back to doing things that actually pay.
> Also, you should only use the jpg format where there's a block of photo
> (ie no text overlay), otherwise you get a lot of artifacting. Of course
> the downside is that if you use PNG on photo areas it'll result in large
> file sizes. The trick to do a hybrid, have the photo block be a jpg and
> then create the text/quote whore as a PNG with an alpha transparency
> (makes the base design slightly more complicated though in that you have
> to use jscript browser detection).
> Basically IE for Win:
> :<div
> :style='filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=image.png)'></div>
> Everything else:
> :<img src ='image.png'>
I need to find a good reference for thw ehole DirectX stylesheet subset.
Right now, I'm using a javascript I found on the 'net for PNG correction
in IE, but it doesn't always work the way it should.
> Color scheme is good, although you might want to start experimenting
> with more than just monochromatic swatches. You also might want to
> consider doing some more prominent shading effects on the sides of your
> main panel. Kinda like on the news section of scifi.com:
> http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/
I may try your PNG trick on that, since it's a far smaller image.
And in the interest of fair play, here's a free cl00 for j00: Color Wheel
Pro is a supertits little swatching program, and they'll give you a free
license if you put a shill tag on your site for them. It's what I've been
using for the last half-year or so to develop design palettes for my
sites, and they've improved a lot visually as a result (if the feedback is
to be believed, anyway). It definitely helped me get out of the
black-blue-white rut I'd been stuck in for years.
John Henry
Look upon my works, O Ye Mighty, and giggle.
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