Posted by John Henry on 09/26/05 19:09
Fly Cooter <fly_cooter_@example.com> wrote in
>>Government offices open for business in two hours sunshine. I suggest
>>you take advantage of that time to savor the fresh air, open space,
>>and sunshine.
> I made a legitimate domain inquiry
You have no legitimate business with me. You are not a representative of
a domain registrar. You have no vested interest in the accuracy of my
whois records. You have no vested interest in my business. You
certainly have no legitimate reason to call me at 10pm on a saturday
night to ask about it.
> at the phone number you provided
> for the domain. Actually, you're supposed to take calls like that.
No I'm not. There's not a damn thing anywhere that says I'm 'supposed'
to take any call for any reason. You're an idiot.
> I never threatened you.
You claimed you were going to have my domains, and those of my clients,
removed from the web, and then you began (and for all I know, are
continuing) to take steps to follow through on that threat. You not only
called my business line, you called at least one of my other clients and
you attempted to contact another using a webmail form (which you
apparently didn't realize directs to me). By removing my domains from
the internet, as is your stated intent, you would be shutting down my
business and cutting off my only source of income, not to mention causing
real and potential damages to three other operating licensed businesses -
one of which is a non-profit - and a chamber of commerce.
Sounds like a threat to me, dickhead, but I guess if I was a fat, pasty
jackoff who'd never experienced the world outside his mother's trailer, I
wouldn't understand that either.
> Actually you threatened me.
Oh, do tell.
> But go on and waste their time.
Law enforcement is not a waste of time to people whose jobs it is to
enforce laws, idiot.
Enjoy your false sense of security. It will make your unpleasant brush
with reality that much more entertaining.
John Henry
alt.usenet.kooks Hammer of Thor - May 2005
Look upon my works, O Ye Mighty, and giggle.
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