Posted by Sycho on 09/27/05 06:58
Today Crawdad@Bayou.com (Yomamma Bin Crawdaddin) opened a dead sea
scroll and found these words written therein..
>On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 19:53:53 GMT, ontheroad@the-break-of-dawn.com
>(Sycho) wrote:
>>Today Fly Cooter <fly_cooter_@example.com> opened a dead sea scroll
>>and found these words written therein..
>>>They will have to rip it from my .. dead.. cold.. hands... before I change
>>>the info.
>>>The domain record in question has been updated as follows. Please advise this
>>>address with specific details if you find this info to remain invalid for the
>>>purposes of WHOIS data.
>>>Maybe you have half a brain after all. I haven't confirmed the info yet, but
>>>at least you blinked first and changed your shit like I advised you to before
>>>waiting for them to rip it from your "dead cold hands". You forgot one thing.
>>> The phone number you provided is for directory assistance. Change it to a
>>>valid phone number. YOURS. Tucows is expecting me to report back to them.
>>When's it gunna be my turn, knob goblin? I'm still here. :D
>I don't see his little punk ass trying my shit either....
>I think he realizes that I am not Steve Gielda.
>Maybe if I put www.microsoft.com in my sig,
>he'll claim that I am Bill Gates.
YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Would you wanna be confuzzled for that bow-tie
wearing freak of nature? I sure hope not, bro! I'd loose all respect
for ya.. lol Well, maybe a little. :D
Bill Gates.. The next Saddam!
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