Posted by Gerard Samuel on 10/03/52 11:05
Gerard Samuel wrote:
> If you have php installed with the dba extension, and have access to NFS,
> could you try out the code below, to see if it works for you.
> Doesn't matter what OS you're using (as long as the OS professes its
> capable
> of locking over NFS).
> Im currently using FreeBSD 5.3 (server & client), with NFS & the lockd
> daemon running.
> Dummy code ->
> <?php
> var_dump(dba_open('/path/to/nfs_mount/foo.dat', 'c', 'gdbm'));die;
> ?>
> Gives me ->
> Warning: dba_open(/path/to/nfs_mount/foo.dat,c) [function.dba-open]:
> Driver initialization failed for handler: gdbm: Can't be writer in
> /usr/home/gsam/www/index.php on line 2
> bool(false)
> It creates the file, but Im guessing that its unable to get a lock on it.
> Im trying to figure out who is to blame for the failure.
Well I figured out who is to blame for the failure.
The man in the mirror :(
I didn't have lockd running on the client box.
But now it is working correctly, so there is no need to run the test.
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