Posted by high on crack, totin' a machine gun and on holliday in new orleans. on 10/01/05 05:05
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:25:07 -0700, Flaagg <none@here.now> wrote:
>In article <290920051731453717%art_deco@>, Art Deco <art_deco@
>> writes...
>>Terrence Cooter <fly_cooter_@example.localhost> wrote:
>>>In article <dhffh1$ff$1@pookiehead.databasix.com>,
>>>steveREMOVEDOTINVALIDTOREPLY@meow.org.invalid says...
>>>>Hello Terrence Cooter, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can
>>>>hear me. Is there anyone at home?
>>>>hey, KKKunter, wanna try to LART this?:
>>>>From usenet Wed Sep 28 23:20:02 2005
>>>>From: Steve Leyland <steveREMOVEDOTINVALIDTOREPLY@meow.org.invalid>
>>>>Newsgroups: alt.config
>>>>Subject: cmsg newgroup alt.terrence-cooter.gay.gay.gay
>>>>Control: newgroup alt.terrence-cooter.gay.gay.gay
>>>>Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 00:18:22 +0100
>>>>Organization: MEOW MEOW ARMY
>>>>Lines: 10
>>>>Approved: steve@meow.org.invalid
>>>>Message-ID: <dhf8bb$q88$1@pookiehead.databasix.com>
>>>>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>>X-Trace: pookiehead.databasix.com 1127949484 26888
>>>>pookiehead.databasix.com (28 Sep 2005 23:18:04 GMT)
>>>>X-Complaints-To: abuse@databasix.com
>>>>NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 23:18:04 +0000 (UTC)
>>>>X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.1/32.783
>>>>X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0539-1, 27/09/2005), Outbound message
>>>>X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
>>>>Xref: shelby.stanford.edu control.newgroup:223409
>>>>For your newsgroups file:
>>>>alt.terrence-cooter.gay.gay.gay a netKKKopping kook nutjob.
>>>>Discussion of the complete fucking moron known as "fly cooter"
>>>>Crossposted flames are highly encouraged.
>>>>No spam.
>>>>Fluffy smiles upon this new froup.
>>>The childishness of you goons is unprecedented. Do the Databasix sysops know
>>>what you did? They might just find out.
>>Maybe you should tell them.
>I've heard databasix responds extremely well to netcops.
i hear gary is calm, collected adn with it and takes kindly to the
police, baby sitting young girls and posts about it very well. shame
the spankard killfiled me, i'd enjoy fucking with the coward. what
kind of auker runs from somone who chalenges them to make them k00k
out even given material to help the poor spankard stand a chance?
>Aaron M. Henne
> _ ___ ____
> _ __ ___ | |__ _ __ ___ / _ \__ _|___ \
>| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ (_) \ \/ / __) |
> http://home.comcast.net/~aaronhenne
>|_| |_| |_|_| |_|_| |_| |_| /_//_/\_\_____|
come to america and visit new orleans, we offer the best america has to offer.
mhm x v i x i i i
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