Posted by Ioannis on 11/16/45 11:28
Ο "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> έγραψε στο μήνυμα
> >> I think you found something, but you did not find "it" because "it"
> >> not exist.
> >
> > Thank you, for this *VERY IMPORTANT* correction.
> That sort of sounds like you're upset at the response. Truly, nothing at
> that link will work. Go ahead, give them all a try, supply the URL, and
> I will email you the image file.
No need. I agree about those tricks (eventually) not working.
I was just being a little sarcastic with his correcting my wording all of
this "it" vs "something".
> From your sig:
> > Eventually, _everything_ is understandable
> ..even that trying to keep images from being copied is impossible. The
> bottom line: don't try any of those tricks that make you look like an
> amateur and only serve to annoy your visitors.
Let me be the judge of that. I already have spotted instances of people
hijacking sub-pages of mine and I can do nothing about it.
Compare my original page:
which is linked from:
(first link on the bottom)
I explicitly state in my copyright sub-page that reproduction and copying of
my web-pages locally is forbidden. The author has ignored this copyright
notice, and although he explicitly states the link after the comma and has
inserted the line:
<!-- This document saved from
http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/jgal/spectroscope/Hg.html -->
at the end of the page, he has altered the page's code (removed the counter
script), so my statistics count of this page are not accurate. I have
emailed the person responsible, only to receive no response.
> -bts
I. N. Galidakis
Eventually, _everything_ is understandable
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